Creative Coding

Most of my work in creaing visualling appealing and/or interesting content through programming mathematical concepts is created using Mathematica and hosted on GitHub. Some of my favorites are show here.

Complete Undulation & Oscillating Connceted Graphs

  1. Randomly generate N points

  2. Randomly generate N vectors originating from each point

  3. Oscillate each point along its vector wth a randomly generated period

  4. Draw a line from every point to every other point

  5. Animate for a length of time equal to the least common multiple of all the periods to make sure everything syncs up and goes through at least 1 oscillation

Synchronized Products & Lissajous Curves

Psuedo-resonant Chaos & The Double Pendulum

CC BY-SA 4.0 Nathan Chapman. Last modified: August 21, 2024. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.